I would love to hear from some of you on ideas for my posts. Is there a product you want to see on sale for the coming month? Is there one of our products you have been thinking about trying?
I think for our January sale item it will be the beard softener and cuticle cream. (two items since one is for men’s use only and one is traditionally a woman’s product.) I am going to put these items on sale for the entire month of January.
Just a little update on our January Blog here. This weather is certainly being somewhat strange for January, even in Alabama. Since it is so warm this week, but expected to turn cold sometime before the end of January, I think we need a coupon so that everyone can buy what they need, whether it is bug repellent, or lip balms. Because of this I am putting a coupon on the website for 15% off your entire order. I am going to put this coupon to start today January 17 2017 and to end Friday January 20. That is three days you can get 15% off your entire order!. And the cuticle cream and beard softener is already on sale because they are our January sale items!. Don’t forget the free shipping for orders over 30.00!! Just use code “January” on www.denniscreekfarms.com to receive the 15% off your order!